Inyo County, CA
Sand Dunes are not common in the American Deserts. The Death Valley floor boasts a large collection of sand dunes right at its center. These particular sand dunes 'talk' when wind conditions are just right. The wind causes the sand at the top ledges of the dunes to collapse down the leeward side of the dunes making an eerie thumping or 'barking' sound. The Mesquite Sand Dunes can be reached by driving from Beatty on Hwy 374 over Daylight Pass down to the valley floor. The Dunes will be visible in front of you. Access can be obtained by either driving north, on the way to Scotty's Castle and taking a side road to the left that directs you to the Dunes or by going South and then West towards Stovepipe Wells on Hwy 190 (towards Stovepipe Wells - not Furnace Creek) and taking a side road North to the Dunes (there are signs that guide you to this area from both directions of approach to the Mesquite Dunes).